The Finnish archipelago is a wonderful place to visit. Even if you move around in the archipelago in the best possible way (on a boat ofcourse), you may also want to reach some of the archipelago islands by ferry. So far the problem has been that there has not really been a good information source where tourists could easily find out about the archipelago ferry routes and schedules. Now Köysti Ranto (who also was the author of the ferry route map ) has solved this problem as a personal hobby project. But what a project! The result is without doubt one of the best on-line services for public transport in Finland.

One of the many archipelago ferries.
So if you want to take a ferry to a destination in the Turku or Åland Islands archipelagos, head over the the web site for the the information you need. On the site you can easily identify what route you need from the map. By clicking on the route, you then get information abour schedule, whether or not you can take your car etc. There is even a “Live” mode that shows the real-time position of the ferries (enable in the settings, top-right). Everything served very nicely and smoothly.
From all of us who need to move around in the archipelago: “Thank you, Kyösti!”