Yacht charter companies in Finland

Welcome to the most comprehensive listing of boat and yacht charter companies in Finland. The chartering business in Finland is focused on two main regions, the Archipelago Sea in the Baltic and the three main inland lake areas: Lake Saimaa, Lake Päijänne and Lake Näsijärvi. In the Archipelago Sea, sailing is most popular while on the sheltered inland lakes power boating is the main trend. Regardless of where you charter, you will be sailing or boating in fantastic waters right from the start, no time wasted in getting to “the best areas”.

Bareboat charter in Finland (yacht and powerboat charter)

Bare boat charter is the norm in Finland, but some companies also offer the option of skippered yachts. For bare boat charter in the Finnish waters, I would recommended that there are at least two people on board that have sailing and navigation skills. Navigation tends to be a full time job when sailing in Finland so you would ideally have one skilled sailor at the helm and an other one doing the navigation. This also applies to powerboats.

Bareboat charter in the Finnish Archipelago

Chartering in the Baltic Sea, meaning along the Finnish coast, is focused on the Archipelago sea between Hangö/Hanko in the east, Uusikaupunki/Nystad in the north and the Åland Islands in the west. Most charter companies also allow you to take the boat across to Sweden, but if you plan on this, check with the company that you are chartering from.




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     Sail Pwr    
Midnight Sun Sailing  Dalsbruk, Kimito/Kemiö – Mariehamn, Åland – Stockholm, Sweden  27   midnightsunsailing.fi One-way trips between locations possible, skipper on request, catamaran
Finlandia Sailing Kasnäs, Kimito/Kemiö  16  2 finlandiasailing.fi Skippered yachts on request
4 Sail Ruissalo, Turku/Åbo  2  – www.4sail.fi Skipper and shorter trips on request
Fenton Sailing Kasnäs and Dalsbruk, Kimito/Kemiö – Helsinki  2  – fenton.fi Skipper on request
Table updated: February 2025.

Bareboat charter on the Finnish lakes

The three main inland boating areas are Lake Saimaa, Lake Päijänne and Lake Näsijärvi. Many smaller lakes are also offer boating opportunities but rarely have any boating related services other than canoeing or possibly fishing.

The charter boats on the inland lakes tend to be smaller then those for charter in the archipelago. There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, the inland lakes are very sheltered so even smaller boats are totally safe. On the other hand, the lakes are often shallow and the channels between the lakes narrow and perhaps with rather low bridges. A smaller boat provides a lot more opportunities to really discover the exciting lake regions with their intricate waterways.

As the inland lakes are very sheltered with many narrow passages and thousands of islands, winds are typically very mild and vary a lot. Therefore sailing on the inland lakes is not necessarily for those with a restless nature and therefore most inland lake chartering is for small powerboats.




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 Lake Saimaa
     Sail Power    
Saimaacharter Savonlinna – Lake Saimaa    15 www.saimaanvuokravenho.fi  Multiple options for changeover days, also open boats, canoes etc.
Saimaan Solmu Varparanta – Lake Saimaa  –  6 saimaansolmu.fi Close to the city of Lappeenranta, changeover days Monday – Wednesday. One boat available for persons using wheelchairs.
Saimaa Boating Savonlinna, Punkaharju, Oravi – Lake Saimaa  –  5 www.saimaaboating.fi Skipper on request, service also in Russian
 All other lakes
Päijännesafarit Rutalahti – Lake Päijänne  1 3 www.paijannesafarit.fi  Boat pick-up also in Jyväskylä. 4 of the powerboats are open boats mainly suited for day trips and fishing.
Table updated: February, 2025.

Day charter: events, on-board meetings and family outings

Learning to navigate can be part of your sailing experience.

Learning to navigate can be part of your sailing experience.

Day charter is very popular in Finland. A number of companies in Finland cater to short term charter and boating needs. The main customers for day charter are companies organizing events for either their employees or customers. An other customer segment is private people organizing special events such as birthdays or weddings out at sea or just wanting to take a day trip in a fine summer day.

The biggest concentration of  companies targeting business customers can be found in Helsinki. In the archipelago and along the Baltic coast you will find more companies also servicing families and private customers. You can find companies offering day charter in surprisingly small towns and villages around the coast.

Day charter is typically skippered so you don’t need any sailing or boating skills to participate. The trips include the meals and possibly some special program. The companies offering day charter services are happy to organize everything based on customer needs and wishes.

A typical event is an evening sail the leaves the harbor in the early afternoon. The boat or ship  cruises in the nearby waters or heads for an island. At the island destination there can be a sight or some program.  After a nice evening out at sea, capped by a fantastic sunset, the group returns back to the harbor of departure typically before midnight.

Unfortunately most day charter companies target a Finnish audience so the web pages are mostly in Finnish. If you would like to use the services of these companies, most will still offer services in English and you can always send your inquiries in English.

Skippered charter in Helsinki and surroundings




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     Sail Pwr    
IHA Lines Helsinki  2  11 www.ihalines.fi Two steamships: m/s Runeberg and m/s Norrkulla
Fregatti Helsinki  5  1 www.fregatti.fi Charters the two biggest sailing ships in Finland, Gerda (only sailing square rigger) and the 3-master Linden.
Purjelaiva konttori Helsinki  3  – www.purjelaiva.fi Three traditional sailing ships,  Astrid, Svanhild and Ingrid.
Logoon charter Helsinki  2  – www.lagooncharter.fi Catamarans
Eira Helsinki  1   swan51eira.com  Sail in style with a Nautor’s Swan 51
s/y Belmont Helsinki  1   www.sy-belmont.com  Swan 51, tailormade charter with skipper
Ocean Race 60 Helsinki  1  – oceanrace60 The fastest monohull in Finland, Tokio II, a 60 feet ex Volvo Ocean Race yacht.
Kesäpurje Helsinki  1  – purjehdus.net Sailing courses (private and group)
Table updated: February, 2025


Skippered charter in the rest of Finland




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     Sail Pwr    
Kotka Sailing Kotka  1  – www.kotkasailing.com Service in Russian
SunFun Hangö/Hanko  –  1 www.sunfun.fi Mainly daytours
Searide Korpo/Korppoo    2 www.searide.fi  
Blue Nose Turku/Åbo  –  1 www.bluenose.fi  
Dolphin risteilyt Turku/Åbo  –  1 www.dolphinristeilyt.fi  
Solida Charter Turku/Åbo  1  – www.solida.fi  
s/y Belmont Turku/Åbo – Helsinki  1   www.sy-belmont.com  Swan 51, tailormade charter with skipper 
Table updated: February 2025


Do you operate a boat charter business in Finland?

If you own a charter business in Finland that we have missed and would like to see it listed here on Sail in Finland, contact us via the site’s contact page. To find out more about yacht charter in Finland, check out this post here on Sail in Finland.